The 52:52:52 project, launching on this site and on social media in 2025, will help you address 52 issues with 52 responses over 52 weeks.
- Altruism
- Anxiety
- Artificial Intelligence
- Beauty
- Care
- Death
- Desire
- Emotions
- Exercise
- Governance
- Law
- Meaning
- Media
- Medua
- Metaverse
- Modesty
- Money
- Music
- Nature
- Place
- Psychology
- Reality
- Reason
- Regeneration
- Regulation
- Society
- Stillness
- Trade
- Truth
- Wellbeing
- Work.
- Yearning
- Democracy
- Demographics
- Depression
- Curiosity
- Culture
- Acceptance
- Corruption
- Creativity
- Crime
- Design
- Development
- Emergence
- Empathy
- Energy
- Environment
- Education
- Economics
- Dignity
- Disability
- Diversity
- Consciousness
- Consumption
- Assets
- Attention
- Conflict
- Balance
- Arts
- Animals
- Activism
- Addiction
- Ageing
- Alternative
- Behaviour
- Authenticity
- Clarity
- Business
- Compassion
- Complexity
- Civility
- Climate
- Change
- Charity
- Childhood
- Choices
- Equality
- Ethics
- Fairness
- Family
- Flow
- Fear
- Food
- Forgiveness
- Freedom
- Friendship
- Future
- Gender
- Generosity
- Gratitude
- Pain
- Past
- Universe
- Power
- Now
- Issues
- All
- Growth
- Habit
- Habitat
- Happiness
- Health
- Honesty
- Hope
- Human Rights
- Humanism
- Ideas
- Identity
- Imagination
- Immortality
- Indifference
- Innovation
- Intelligence
- Isolation
- Knowledge
- Kindness
- Language
- Leadership
- Legacy
- Listening
- Loss
- Love
- Megatrends
- Politics
- Presence
- Philosophy
- Poverty
- Openness
- Memory
- Migration
- Optimism
- Peace
- Privacy
- Progress
- Purpose
- Quietness
- Relativism
- Religion
- Reputation
- Resilience
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Risk
- Science
- Security
- Self-Esteem
- Servitude
- Simplicity
- Sleep
- Slowness
- Space
- Spirituality
- Strategy
- Sufficiency
- Sustainability
- Talent
- Technology
- Therapy
- Time
- Tolerance
- Travel
- Trust
- Values
- Vision
- Vitality
- Water
- Work
- Youth
- Now
- 2100
- 2060
- 2055
- 2050
- 2045
- 2035
- 2030
- 2026
- 2025
- 2020
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2004
- 1990
- 1990s
- 1988
- 1984
- 1982
- 1981
- 1970
- 1963
- 1960s
- 1800
- 1914
- 1945
- 1950s
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970s
- 1974
- 1983
- 1989
- 1992
- 2000
- 2005
- 2016 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2017
- 2017.2018
- 2018
- 2018. 2019
- 2019
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2028
- 2029
- 2033
- 2034
- 2040
- 2051
- 2052
- 2063
- 2064
- 2075
- 2082
- 2090
- 2091
- 2092
- 2095
- 2099
- 2100+
- 2101+
- 3000+
- Autumn
- Global
- November
- October
- Presence
- 1948
- 1940s
- 1930s
- 1925
- 1883
- 1600s
- Annual
- Future
- May
- Medieval
- Past
- Present
- Global
- Interior
- Africa
- Asia
- Australia
- Belgium
- Brazil
- China
- England
- Europe
- France
- Germany
- Global
- Greece
- India
- Indonesia
- Italy
- Japan
- Kenya
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- 2020
- Algeria
- All
- Americas
- Argentina
- Asia_Pacific
- Aubagne
- Bangladesh
- Brentwood
- Canada
- Climate
- Denmark
- Diversity
- Economics
- Egypt
- Finland
- Flow
- Inner
- Innovation
- Inter
- Interpersonal
- Iran
- Jamaica
- Knowledge
- Leadership
- Malaysia
- Middle East
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Now
- Online
- Outdoors
- Outer
- Philippines
- Responsibility
- Risk
- South Africa
- Spain
- Stillness
- Sustainability
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Talent
- Technology
- United_States
- Virtual
- Wales
- Work
- Latin America
- Russia
- Scotland
- South America
- Sweden
- South Korea
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Universal
- 2015
- 3D
- AI
- Aborigines
- Academia
- Activity
- Adam Phillips
- Ageing
- Aid
- Alain de Botton
- Albert Camus
- Alcohol
- Algorithms
- All
- Altrusim
- Amazon
- Analytics
- Ancestry
- Ancient
- Anthropocene
- Antoni Gaudí
- Anxiety
- Aristotle
- Artificial_Intelligence
- Arts
- Asia Pacific
- Atmosphere
- Attraction
- Aubagne
- Augmented Reality
- Aurora
- Automation
- Autumn
- Avebury
- Awe
- Banking
- Belief
- Belt & Road Initiatve
- Big Bang
- Big Data
- Biomimicry
- Birds
- Bitcoin
- Blockchain
- Boards
- Bob Marley
- Body
- Books
- Brain
- Brand
- Bullying
- Calvin and Hobbes
- Carbon
- Caring
- Carl Jung
- Cartoons
- Catholicism
- Cats
- Charlie Chaplin
- Charter
- Children
- China
- Christmas
- Christopher Hitchens
- Circular
- Cities
- Citizens
- Civilisation
- Cleanliness
- Clothing
- Coal
- Colin Wilson
- Colleagues
- Comics
- Commons
- Communication
- Communications
- Community
- Competitors
- Compost
- Confession
- Confidence
- Connection
- Continuity
- Conversation
- Coronavirus
- Corruption
- Counselling
- Countryside
- Craft
- Credit
- Crime
- Cybersecurity
- Dance
- Dante Alighieri
- Daoism
- Data
- David Bowie
- David Hume
- Davos
- Debt
- Despair
- Devices
- Diabetes
- Diet
- Digital
- Disease
- Distraction
- Doubt
- Dreams
- Drought
- Drugs
- Dylan Thomas
- Dystopia
- EDGs
- EY
- Easter
- Edinburgh
- Ego
- Elections
- Electricity
- Emerging
- Emotion
- Emotions
- Employment
- Entrepreneurship
- Entropy
- Essays
- Ethical Development Goals
- Ethical_Development_Goals
- European Union
- Events
- Evil
- Exchange
- Exercise
- Existence
- Exponential
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Facts
- Faith
- Farming
- Fashion
- Fertility
- Festivals
- Film
- Filter
- Finance
- Focus
- Football
- Forecasts
- Forest
- Forgetfulness
- Franz Kafka
- Fraud
- Freelance
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Futurism
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- Galaxies
- Galleries
- Gardening
- Gardens
- Gas
- Gender
- Genealogy
- Genes
- Genius
- Geography
- Geopolitics
- George Herbert
- George Orwell
- Ghosts
- Goals
- Governance
- Green
- Growth
- Hans Rosling
- Healing
- Heaven
- Hell
- Henry David Thoreau
- Hieronymus Bosch
- History
- Home
- Homosexuality
- Humanity
- Humour
- Hunger
- Imagination
- Income
- Independence
- Industries
- Internet
- Intimacy
- Introversion
- Invention
- Investment
- Iran
- Islamic_Finance
- Italy
- Jane Goodall
- Japan
- Jean-Paul Sartre
- Jeremy Rifkin
- Jethro Tull
- Jobs
- Joseph Campbell
- Journalism
- Justice
- Justin Hayward
- Kaleidoscope
- Knowledge Management
- Landscape
- Laughter
- Law
- Laziness
- Learning
- Led Zeppelin
- Leonard Cohen
- Life
- Literature
- London
- Loneliness
- Longing
- Luc Schuiten
- Lyrics
- Madagascar
- Magna Carta
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Malaria
- Maps
- Marathons
- Marcel Proust
- Market Intelligence
- Marketing
- Markets
- Marriage
- Martin Luther King
- May
- Meaning
- Measurement
- Meat
- Medicine
- Medieval Provencal
- Medieval
- Meditation
- Megachange
- Megatrends
- Memes
- Men
- Mentality
- Michel de Montaigne
- Middle Market
- Millennium_Development_Goals (MDGs)
- Mind
- Mindfulness
- Mindset
- Mobile
- Modesty
- Monchengladbach
- Money
- Mood
- Moody Blues
- Morality
- Morocco
- Mortality
- Movement
- Murder
- Music
- Mystery
- Myth
- Namibia
- Nationality
- Nature
- Networks
- Neuroscience
- New York
- News
- Noise
- Northern Lights
- Nothing
- Novels
- Novelty
- Oberhausen
- Objects
- Ocean
- Office
- Oil
- Operations
- Ordinariness
- Organic
- Originality
- Ostara
- Others
- Outsourcing
- Pablo Picasso
- Packaging
- Painting
- Parents
- Perfume
- Pessimism
- Phronesis
- Pierre Vidal
- Pink Floyd
- Planets
- Plants
- Playing Cards
- Pleasure
- Podcasts
- Poetry
- Population
- Portfolio
- Power
- Predictions
- Price
- Prison
- Problems
- Products
- Professional Services
- Projection
- Property
- Provencal
- Proxy
- Psychedelia
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Punishment
- Purgatory
- Qualia
- Race
- Rainforest
- Reality
- Recession
- Reconstruction
- Recycling
- Refugees
- Regeneration
- Regulation
- Relationships
- Remote
- Renewables
- Research
- Resources
- Rhythm
- Rivers
- Robotics
- Robots
- Rockets
- Rome
- Roy Harper
- Royal Society of Arts
- Running
- SDG5
- SDG6
- SDG7
- SDGs
- Sacred
- Safety
- Sagrada Familia
- Sanitation
- Scarcity
- Scenarios
- School
- Sculpture
- Sea
- Seasons
- Secrecy
- Secularism
- Self
- Senses
- Sex
- Shame
- Sharing
- Sicily
- Silbury Hill
- Silence
- Sin
- Singing
- Singularity
- Skill
- Slavery
- Social Media
- Society
- Solitude
- Song
- Songs
- Sorrow
- Sound
- Sport
- Standing Stones
- Stardust
- Stars
- Start-ups
- Startups
- Status
- Steve Harley
- Stillness
- Stones
- Story
- Students
- Suffering
- Sugar
- Summer
- Sun
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Swimming
- Sympathy
- Synaesthesia
- Syndromes
- Systems
- T.S Eliot
- T.S. Eliot
- Tangier
- Teachers
- Teaching
- Teenagers
- Telephony
- Television
- Terrorism
- The Great Gatsby
- The Waste Land
- Theatr
- Theatre
- Theodore Zeldin
- Thinking
- Thought
- Threat
- Tobacco
- Trade
- Tragedy
- Transformation
- Transport
- Trees
- Trends
- Tribes
- Truth
- Tunisia
- Unification
- United Nations
- United States
- Universal Basic Income
- Universe
- University
- Unpaid
- Urbanisation
- Utopia
- Vatican
- Vegetables
- Veil
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Violence
- Virtual Reality
- Viruses
- Visualisation
- Vitality
- Void
- Voluntary
- Walden
- War
- Waterloo
- Wealth
- Weather
- Wellbeing
- Wild
- William Blake
- William Shakespeare
- William of Ockham
- Wiltshire
- Wisdom
- Women
- World Economic Forum
- World
- Worry
- Writing
- Yann Arthus-Bertrand
- Year
- Yearning
- Zero
- iTunes