Halcyon's 52 ideas: 52 weeks campaign will start in mid 2024, featuring a range of responses to issues you may be facing at the personal, organisational and/or societal levels (see examples below).
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 = #Acceptance: on unrequited love as a vital force http://bit.ly/1Sl7Eh0
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Acceptance: on why it may pay to be pessimistic https://www.theschooloflife.com/thebookoflife/on-pessimism/
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Acceptance: on living with the psychology of regret http://bit.ly/2ieps5l
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Acceptance: on being, not doing, at the end of life http://bit.ly/2iweNTJ
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Acceptance: on #forgiveness as an act of #freedom http://bit.ly/2iOZ8fT
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Acceptance: on why people view world so differently https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/04/why-do-people-view-the-world-so-differently/?utm_content=bufferf962b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Acceptance: on self-compassion and self-forgiveness http://bit.ly/1UVRgJE
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Ageing: on possible limits to human lifespan https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/10/our-life-span-could-have-reached-its-peak?utm_content=buffer809ba&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 = #Ageing: on how to become a 'superager' http://nyti.ms/2i8Njjv
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 = #Ageing: on life advice from older people https://imgur.com/gallery/ygq7RK8
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Ageing: on "slowing #time", #ageing and #relativity http://bit.ly/2irDJfb
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Ageing: on the future of #loneliness https://timeguide.wordpress.com/2016/12/08/the-future-of-loneliness/
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Ageing: on anti-ageing as a #business and #marketing opportunity https://www.huffingtonpost.com/shane-paul-neil/antiaging-is-becoming-big_b_13657304.html
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Ageing: on people searching for death's "cure" https://t.co/FBtpWSbH4e
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 1 #Ageing: why #happiness often increases as people get older https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/heres-why-were-happier-as-we-get-older?utm_content=buffer2f006&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 2 #Attention: on whether #busyness can lead to #unhappiness http://bit.ly/2kfDphr
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 2 #Attention: on surviving in the attention economy http://bit.ly/1TSy0dm
- 52 issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 2 #Attention: on an age of rampant #narcissism https://www.ft.com/content/1882c54e-607c-11e6-ae3f-77baadeb1c93?ftcamp=crm/email//nbe/ArtsLeisure/product
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 2 #Authenticity: on the dangers of being authentic http://bit.ly/2iFpc16
- 52 responses to issues you may face over next 52 weeks. Week 2 #Authenticity: on authenticity and #cultural barriers https://knowledge.insead.edu/blog/insead-blog/authentic-liaisons-creating-bridges-across-cultures-4848
- 52 ideas over 52 weeks http://halcyonfuture.com/content/525252 . Week 1 #Immortality - On whether 90 will be the new 60 http://nautil.us/issue/36/aging/will-90-become-the-new-60