Quote 123
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading - Henny Youngman
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading - Henny Youngman
Total abstinence is easier to me than perfect moderation - Saint Augustine
This is a planet on which people complain that our arable land is limited, but let huge areas of the best land be used to produce poisons such as tobacco and alcohol. This is even a planet where the same governments give huge subsidies to the producers of these poisons and pay for the hospital costs of their victims! - Robert Muller
It is most urgent to liberate happiness from drugs, alcohol and smoking, and to associate it instead with nature and a clean life which alone allow the flowering and miraculous functioning of the human being - Robert Muller
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day - Frank Sinatra
Having done something, having contributed to the world, I found myself in another place. It was the difference between taking and giving. And my anger, my addictions didn't disappear for years but I had that experience in my life as a benchmark. And my life continued to change...put me in new territory, into a new consciousness - the consciousness of giving - Gary Zukav, December 2003 issue of Science of Mind magazine
Fight drugs, alcohol, smoking and pornography wherever you find them, for they diminish life under the satanic pretense of enhancing it. The Arabs were right to call liquor Al Kohol, the Devil and to condemn and prohibit its use. It is one of their great contributions to humanity - Robert Muller
Drugs shackle the human spirit more tightly than almost anything else - Colin McDowell, Sunday Times Style, 01/10/06
24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think no - Stephen Wright
Are the reward pathways of our brain easily hijacked by modern stimuli, leading us to become addicted to "consumptive behaviours"?