What's Changing? - Ageing

Please see below selected recent ageing-related change.
See also:
Please see below selected recent ageing-related change.
See also:
Please see below selected recent conflict-related change.
These men, and those who opposed them
And those whom they opposed
Accept the constitution of silence
And are folded in a single party - from Little Gidding, T.S. Eliot
See also:
Please see below what's likely to change in the coming years and contact us for help in dealing with change.
2015 saw major global trends, from the Greek sovereign debt crisis and the Chinese stock market meltdown, to the refugee exodus and of course the global terrorist attacks. And it was a record year for deal-making as business confidence recovered. So what will 2016 bring? Throughout January and February Halcyon put together this evolving index of significant forecasts for 2016.