What's New? - Sleep

Halcyon curates the most significant sleep-related content from carefully selected sources. Please contact us if you'd like our help with sleep-related challenges.
Please see below recent sleep-related change.
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October 2024
Research suggests that meditation can change brain structure, enhance mental abilities and work alongside traditional medicine to speed up healing.
Certainly, when I learned Transcendental Meditation through a formal course many years ago it was in some ways a life-changing experience, although I quickly moved away from the more cultish aspects of TM.
I don't entirely buy the claim that just a few minutes' daily meditation can make a difference between an anxious existence and a life of quiet contentment...but it helps.
Halcyon curates the most significant sleep-related content from carefully selected sources. Please contact us if you'd like our help with sleep-related challenges.
An astonishing number of conflicts and catastrophes can be traced back to the brute fact that one of the parties hasn't slept enough - Alain de Botton, http://twitter.com/alaindebotton
To flop into bed bone-weary and be fathomlessly asleep as your slurred finger sets the alarm for the morning is a simulacrum of heaven - AA Gill, ST Style, 01/10/06
Nice guys finish last, but we get to sleep in - Evan Davies
An astonishing number of conflicts and catastrophes can be traced back to the brute fact that one of the parties hasn't slept enough - Alain de Botton, http://twitter.com/alaindebotton