What's Changing? - Governance

Please see below selected societal and organisational governance-related change.
See also:
August 2023
Please see below selected societal and organisational governance-related change.
See also:
August 2023
Imagine that we could build "start-up countries" and escape limiting, outdated forms of governance that hold people back. "Seasteading", according to its advocates, has the promise to do this, creating new "spaces for human freedom".
Please see below change concerning the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Goal 2 to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Poor nutrition causes 45% of deaths in kids under five each year.
The depth of the food deficit (in kilocalories per person per day) remains very serious in many parts of the world.
A result of poor diets over long periods is a retardation of growth – the height of children is too small for their age. This is referred to as stunted growth. Children with stunted growth are at greater risk for illness and death.