What's New? - Indifference

Halcyon curates the most significant indifference-related content from carefully selected sources. Please contact us if you'd like our help with indifference-related challenges.
Halcyon curates the most significant indifference-related content from carefully selected sources. Please contact us if you'd like our help with indifference-related challenges.
You probably wouldn't worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do - Olin Miller
When I was young I feared loneliness, failure, ridicule, physical and mental pain. Now I've survived quite a lot of all of those, so I guess I don't fear them so much. And when I do, I don't let it stop me as much. Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway has become a clich
Travel wakes me up when life seems dull and boring, when I've run out of things to say to friends, when I feel trapped in an unchanging routine, when conversations revolve around impossible problems, ailments, how things were so much better when ..., when I'm pissed off and fed up and in danger of making my friends feel the same - Oxford Muse, July 05
The world isn't bad because of all the evil people, but because of all the good ones doing nothing - Wosa Moya
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds - Emerson
A crank is a man with a new idea - until it catches on. Mark Twain
What are we lacking - attention, compassion - or both, when we ignore WW2-scale conflicts happening right now?