What's Changing? - Freedom

Please see below recent freedom-related change.
See also:
- What's New? - Freedom
- What's New? - Choice
- What's Changing? - Democracy
- What's Changing? - Openness
- What's Changing? - Responsibility
March 2025
Please see below recent freedom-related change.
See also:
March 2025
Please see below selected recent migration-related change.
See also:
February 2025
Many of the problems the world faces today pre-date the latest conflicts and related refugee crises. Five years ago already...
1. Google asked the global public for ideas to address the following societal issues:
The Royal Society of Arts gathered a high-profile panel of speakers to explore the hidden agendas behind our values and attitudes toward the place of ‘the human’ in today’s societies, and debate what must now be a key issue for the 21st century.
"The really happy man is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour." - Anon
According to research, the British think they bin almost 10% of their weekly shop. With 8% wasting as much as a quarter of the food regularly bought, the research identified six types of people, each of whom wastes food in a different way.
...such was the aim of the World Economic Forum's event in Vienna, on 8-9 June 2011.
The future of global power is likely to include more South-to-South development strategies, new issues in territory and sovereignty, and the potential for the collapse of states.
For example, imagine a world with a strong China reshaping Asia; India confidently extending its reach from Africa to Indonesia; Islam spreading its influence; a Europe replete with crises of legitimacy; sovereign city-states holding wealth and driving innovation; and private mercenary armies, religious radicals and humanitarian bodies playing by their own rules as they compete for hearts, minds and wallets.
A new study into food security called for urgent action to avert global hunger, claiming that the current system is unsustainable and will fail to end hunger unless radically redesigned.
A recent study into adapting to climate change showed that it is no longer an issue for governments to resolve alone. The private sector needs to be more involved in making decisions too. Natural resource constraints, manufacturing or logistical interruptions, and financial or economic crises mean the private sector has to take action.