Quote 540
You belong with those people with whom you can sympathise, in whatever century they lived, in no matter what civilisation - Theodore Zeldin, Intimate History of Humanity, p49
You belong with those people with whom you can sympathise, in whatever century they lived, in no matter what civilisation - Theodore Zeldin, Intimate History of Humanity, p49
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion - Abraham Lincoln
We've progressed from a society of farmers to a society of factory workers to a society of knowledge workers. And now we're progressing yet again - to a society of creators and empathisers, pattern recognisers, and meaning makers - Daniel Pink, http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.02/brain.html
We're here to participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world - Joseph Campbell
We would like to have hearts big enough to embrace the world - http://www.gratefulness.org
We still swerve around the bodies of the ill and dying in the midst of plenty - Bob Geldof
Tolling for the aching ones whose wounds cannot be nursed, For the countless confused, accused, misused, strung-out ones an' worse, An' for every hung-up person in the whole wide universe, An' we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing - from Chimes of Freedom - Bob Dylan
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness - Dalai Lama
They have no physicians, but when a man is ill, they lay him in the public square, and the passers-by come up to him, and if they have ever had his disease or have known anyone who has suffered from it, they give him advice, recommending him to do whatever they found good in their own case, or in the case known to them; and no one is allowed to pass the sick man in silence without asking him what his ailment is - Herodotus
They don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care - Anon (submitted by Desiree Larson, Women's Way, North Dakota Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, ND/USA)