Quote 2482
The wise only possess ideas- the greater part of mankind are possessed by them - Samuel Taylor Coleridge http://bit.ly/aFkJQo
The wise only possess ideas- the greater part of mankind are possessed by them - Samuel Taylor Coleridge http://bit.ly/aFkJQo
Money never starts an idea- it is the idea that starts the money - William J. Cameron
I think you work out something [by writing songs]. I wouldn’t call them ideas. I think ideas are what you want to get rid of. I don’t really like songs with ideas. They tend to become slogans. They tend to be on the right side of things: ecology or vegetarianism or antiwar. All these are wonderful ideas but I like to work on a song until those slogans, as wonderful as they are and as wholesome as the ideas they promote are, dissolve into deeper convictions of the heart. I never set out to write a didactic song. It’s just my experience. All I’ve got to put in a song is my own experience ...…most of the time you’re just scraping the bottom of the barrel to find any kind of voice at all. It could be a few words, a tone of voice, two chords together–it’s a ragpicker’s trade as I practice it- I don’t stand on the mountain and receive tablets - Leonard Cohen http://1heckofaguy.com/2013/04/30/cohensubstantiation-leonard-cohen-tra…
We do not know until the shell breaks what kind of egg we have been sitting on - T. S. Eliot http://j.mp/QlZj0o
Trying to protect or copyright your own management ideas is a last-century nonsense: absurd and illogical. Even if you could do it in a web-based world, why bother? The only ideas really worth having are those which make the world a better place, and such ideas only reach their potency when widely released to influence and shape our future. Real genius is not just having an idea, but knowing how to apply it to a person, a group, an organisation or an audience - Patrick Dixon
To me, all creativity is magic. Ideas start out in the empty void of your head - and they end up as a material thing, like a book you can hold in your hand. That is the magical process. It's an alchemical thing. Yes, we do get the gold out of it but that's not the most important thing. It's the work itself - Alan Moore
The symptoms of hatching a good idea: despair, insomnia, irritability, mania - Alain de Botton http://twitter.com/alaindebotton
The people with knowledge and the people with ideas can't and won't communicate with each other. Our society is at an intellectual nadir, exactly when our collective creativity is most desperately neede - Dussault, http://blogs.salon.com/0002007/2009/07/31.html#a2416
The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because then he'll fight and die for it. The way real science goes is that you come up with lots of ideas, and most of them will be wrong - Francis Crick
The brain is full of lonely ideas, begging you to make some sense of them, to recognise them as interesting. The lazy brain just files them away in old pigeonholes, like a bureaucrat who wants an easy life. The lively brain picks and chooses and creates new works of art out of ideas - Theodore Zeldin