Building a global sensing network
Recent research suggests that future business success will be built upon the ability to identify and gather technology trend information, customer insights and local social mutations from around the globe.
Recent research suggests that future business success will be built upon the ability to identify and gather technology trend information, customer insights and local social mutations from around the globe.
David McCandless helps people overcome information overload by encouraging us to use our eyes more in order to visualise and design the patterns that matter.
As such, David is continuing in a long tradition of using diagrams to describe things that transcend the written word. A single image can convey the simple underlying pattern hidden by words or equations: draw the right picture and you can literally transform the way we see the world.
A new study co-authored by MIT researchers documents the existence of collective intelligence among groups of people who cooperate well, showing that such intelligence extends beyond the cognitive abilities of the groups
Developmental psychologist Howard Gardner describes as searchlight intelligence an intelligence that readily discerns connections across spheres and sees opportunities to cross-pollinate.
I may be a pioneer in so-called searchlight intelligence.
A new glossary explains both established and emerging terms in market intelligence and knowledge management.
Has the idea of multiple intelligences had its day? Is "g" all there is?
The most crucial decision-making skill, some scientists are now saying, is the ability to think about your own thinking, or metacognition. According to this emerging new vision of decision-making, the best predictor of good judgement isn't intuition or experience or intelligence, but willingness to engage in introspection, to cultivate "the art of self-overhearing".
Not quite the same thing as blogging, I feel. A fool with a tool is still...well, let's just say that perhaps not all humans demonstrate all of the time the "floodlight intelligence" that's supposed to distinguish us from the "laser-beam" intelligence of other animals.