Quote 1627
Technology addresses neither the incentives, nor the attitudes that promote a "knowledge organisation". Success lies in creating the culture for sharing, and then enabling with technology - Dave Snowden
Technology addresses neither the incentives, nor the attitudes that promote a "knowledge organisation". Success lies in creating the culture for sharing, and then enabling with technology - Dave Snowden
Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle - Robert Newton Anthony (b. 1916), American writer
Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle - Robert Newton Anthony (b. 1916), American writer
So in the end KM is about culture. It is a management philosophy, based on key human values. But I do believe that the extent to which companies and nations adopt this philosophy will by and large determine whether they will survive in the next 20 years - Martin R. Dugage, Director of KM, Schneider Electric
Sir, I have been through it from Alpha to Omaha, and I tell you that the less a man knows the bigger the noise he makes and the higher the salary he commands -- Mark Twain
Relationship is a matter of visits - African tribe Angass
Professionals can no longer know everything they need to do their jobs well and compete in the marketplace. They have to be able to get to critical information - fast - whenever and wherever they need it. In the future, organisations that are able to provide their members with rapid access to the full repository of organisational knowledge are the organisations that are most likely to succeed - Robert J.Hiebeler, Partner, Global Best Practices, Arthur Andersen (1996)
Private information is practically the source of every large modern fortune - Oscar Wilde
Pricing will pose one of the trickiest challenges. The value of knowledge depends on context: the same knowledge may have high value to one person but little value to another - Knowledge Trading: But At What Price?, 1998
Ownership is not the paradigm of the modern age, instead its access to knowledge; the ability to integrate and connect, to serendipitously synthesise different bodies of knowledge - Dave Snowden http://www.cognitive-edge.com/blogs/dave/2010/03/situated_meaning_a_ref…