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The 52:52:52 project, launching on this site and on social media in 2025, will help you address 52 issues with 52 responses over 52 weeks.

This site addresses what's changing, at the personal, organisational and societal levels. You'll learn about key changes across more than 150 elements of life, from ageing and time, through nature and animals, to kindness and love...and much more besides, which will help you better prepare for related change in your own life.

Halcyon In Kaleidoscope features irregular and fragmentary writings - on ideas and values, places and people - which evolve over time into mini essais, paying humble homage to the peerless founder of the genre. The kaleidoscope is Halcyon's prime metaphor, viewing the world through ever-moving lenses.

A Mundane Comedy is Dom Kelleher's new book, which will be published in 2025. The introduction is available here and further extracts will appear on this site and on social media in the coming months.


Quote 2114

Power devours everything: universal religions are eaten up by it; multinational business falls prey to it; democracy is trampled by it - Robert Muller

Quote 2113

People are poverty-stricken whenever their income, even if adequate for survival, falls markedly behind that of the community - JK Galbraith, the Affluent Society, 1958

Quote 2112

Other matters cannot be allowed to sidetrack us from this most important of world issues [poverty] - Bob Geldof

Quote 2110

One child has died from poverty, conflict or disease every three seconds since the leaders of the world's richest nations met 11 months ago in Gleneagles, under pressure to make poverty history. The statistic has remained unaltered since the famous "click" commercials - Independent, 09/06/06

Quote 2109

On present trends the target for the reduction of child deaths by 2015 will not be reached until 2115. Such is the awful cynicism that can lie behind the solemn "binding" word of so many political documents - Bob Geldof

Quote 2108

Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well- warmed, and well-fed - Herman Melville

Quote 2107

Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power - Seneca

Quote 2105

Lack of money is the root of all evil - George Bernard Shaw