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The 52:52:52 project, launching on this site and on social media in 2025, will help you address 52 issues with 52 responses over 52 weeks.

This site addresses what's changing, at the personal, organisational and societal levels. You'll learn about key changes across more than 150 elements of life, from ageing and time, through nature and animals, to kindness and love...and much more besides, which will help you better prepare for related change in your own life.

Halcyon In Kaleidoscope features irregular and fragmentary writings - on ideas and values, places and people - which evolve over time into mini essais, paying humble homage to the peerless founder of the genre. The kaleidoscope is Halcyon's prime metaphor, viewing the world through ever-moving lenses.

A Mundane Comedy is Dom Kelleher's new book, which will be published in 2025. The introduction is available here and further extracts will appear on this site and on social media in the coming months.


Quote 2414

They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse - Emily Dickinson

Quote 2413

These church steeples, everywhere pointing upward, ignoring despair and lifting hope, these lofty city spires, or simple chapels in the hills -- they rise at every step from the earth toward the sky; in every village of every nation they challenge doubt and invite weary hearts to consolation. Is it all a vain delusion? Is there nothing beyond life but death, and nothing beyond death but decay? We cannot know. But as long as man suffers, these steeples will remain - Will Durant, 1885-1981

Quote 2412

There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle - Albert Einstein

Quote 2411

The world is my country. Humanity is my family. To do good is my religion - Thomas Paine

Quote 2410

The wicked thing about both the little and the great "collective faiths," prehistoric and historic, is that they all, without exception, pretend to hold encompassed in their ritualised mythologies all of the truth ever to be known - Joseph Campbell

Quote 2409

The tendency to claim God as an ally for our partisan values and ends is the source of all religious fanaticism - Reinhold Niebuhr, American clergyman and author (1892-1971)

Quote 2408

The so-called Christian nations are the most enlightened and progressive ... but in spite of their religion, not because of it. The Church has opposed every innovation and discovery from the day of Galileo down to our own time, when the use of anesthetic in childbirth was regarded as a sin because it avoided the biblical curse pronounced against Eve. And every step in astronomy and geology ever taken has been opposed by bigotry and superstition. The Greeks surpassed us in artistic culture and in architecture five hundred years before Christian religion was born - Mark Twain

Quote 2407

The search for happiness based upon untrue beliefs is neither very noble nor very glorious. There is a stark joy in the unflinching perception of our true place in the world ... No man can achieve the greatness of which he is capable until he has allowed himself to see his own littleness - Bertrand Russell

Quote 2405

The opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not - Eric Hoffer