Quote 2802
It's easier to let go of a relationship that's been really good, because the memory of it is positive - Robin Skynner, p16, Life and How to Survive It
It's easier to let go of a relationship that's been really good, because the memory of it is positive - Robin Skynner, p16, Life and How to Survive It
I do not have a psychiatrist and I do not want one, for the simple reason that if he listened to me long enough, he might become disturbed - James Thurber
I did one session of therapy, but decided to manage it in my head. Therapy killed John Cleese's humour. Before therapy: Fawlty Towers. Afterwards: books about dysfunctional families - Adrian Edmondson
Culturally-biased psychobabble coming from the mouths of therapists who get paid to fix the problems they themselves define - http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php?/site/letters/1469/
By starting from the ground and tapping into the absolute, uncheatable truth of nature, we can make ourselves better - Monty Don
A session of ayahuasca can have the same effect as years of therapy - Sunday Times, http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/the_way_we_live…
Mental health professionals find it difficult to diagnose depression in minorities, many of whom are reluctant to seek psychiatric care.