Halcyon Identifies
Some scientists believe they have growing evidence that animals are governed by moral codes of conduct in the same way as humans.
Some scientists believe they have growing evidence that animals are governed by moral codes of conduct in the same way as humans.
Recent studies have added to a growing body of evidence suggesting that some animals are more intelligent than previously thought.
...nice quote, nice sentiment. Animal-friendly consumerism could be a major trend in 2009. Until three years ago I too gorged myself on turkey every Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 27th...and my mouth still waters at the remembered taste of turkey soup on the 28th or 29th, a meal which definitely constituted one of the culinary highlights of my year.
Now, I still undergo the occasional inner drool at the memory and unfortunately (for me) the smell of meat still attracts rather than -as with many "lucky" veggies - repulses me, but some thoughtless things just can't stand up to an authentic and welcomed onslaught of values so, all the trimmings, certainly...but no turkey again this year.