Joseph Campbell's The Masks of God have been a constant companion to me for more than 30 years, while his The Hero with a Thousand Faces outlines the common journey of the archetypal hero across a wealth of ancient myths from around the world.
A short animation from TED Ed presents a synthesis of Campbell’s foundational framework for the eleven stages of the hero’s quest - from the call to adventure to the crisis to the moment of return and transformation.
Campbell, the man behind PBS’ series The Power of Myth, left behind many words in many formats, and now you can hear a fair few of them for free on a Spotify playlist.
Campbell claimed to have discovered the blueprint of every myth and legend. In recent decades, however, some critics have argued that the "hero's journey" monomyth isn't exactly universal.
I've read several of Campbell's works,, but still after 30 years I need to carve out time to finish four colourful volumes on my shelves, The Masks of God, which explore the mythology and religion of cultures human history:
Volume 1: Primitive Mythology:
- Examines the mythological traditions of early, prehistoric cultures.
- Investigates the common themes and symbols that appear in the myths of diverse societies.
- Explores the role of mythology in shaping human understanding of the world, identity, and the sacred.
Volume 2: Oriental Mythology:
- Focuses on the mythological traditions of Eastern cultures, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
- Explores the religious and philosophical ideas embedded in these mythologies.
- Highlights the universal aspects of mythological themes found across different civilisations.
Volume 3: Occidental Mythology:
- Examines the mythologies of Western cultures, including those of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as the monotheistic traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
- Explores the psychological and cultural functions of mythology in the Western world.
- Traces the evolution of mythic themes in the context of changing historical and cultural landscapes.
Volume 4: Creative Mythology:
- Explores the role of mythology in the modern world and its connection to art, literature, and psychology.
- Discusses the concept of the hero's journey and its relevance to individual and societal development.
- Examines the ways in which mythology continues to shape human thought and creativity.