Please see below selected recent clarity-related change.
See also:
August 2021
- As city lights swallow the stars, some species may get disoriented. Light pollution means animals like the dung beetle, which uses the Milky Way as a guide, are robbed of their ability to navigate by the stars, warned Quartz.
June 2021
- An article in Psyche argued that seeking clarity is both humane and life-enhancing. To idealise, it entails the mutual and respectful pursuit of knowledge. To be more pragmatic, it can help us know ourselves a little better, dispel prejudices and misapprehensions – and communicate more richly and persuasively amid the 21st century’s tumult. Aspiring towards clarity is also inexorably iterative. Whenever you set out to clarify your thinking, you’re not aiming to articulate an ultimate truth. Rather, you’re aiming at a process.
August 2018
- In Ancient Greece, when Socrates was asked to sum up what all philosophical commandments could be reduced to, he replied: ‘Know Yourself’. Self-knowledge matters so much because it is only on the basis of an accurate sense of who we are that we can make reliable decisions - particularly around love and work. A School of Life essay book claimed to take its readers on a journey into our deepest, most elusive selves and arm us with a set of tools to understand our characters properly, allowing us to come away with a newly clarified sense of who we are, what we need to watch out for when making decisions, and what our priorities and potential might be.