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The 52:52:52 project, launching on this site and on social media in 2025, will help you address 52 issues with 52 responses over 52 weeks.

This site addresses what's changing, at the personal, organisational and societal levels. You'll learn about key changes across more than 150 elements of life, from ageing and time, through nature and animals, to kindness and love...and much more besides, which will help you better prepare for related change in your own life.

Halcyon In Kaleidoscope features irregular and fragmentary writings - on ideas and values, places and people - which evolve over time into mini essais, paying humble homage to the peerless founder of the genre. The kaleidoscope is Halcyon's prime metaphor, viewing the world through ever-moving lenses.

A Mundane Comedy is Dom Kelleher's new book, which will be published in 2025. The introduction is available here and further extracts will appear on this site and on social media in the coming months.

What's Changing? - Leadership



Please see below selected recent leadership-related change:


See also:


May 2024

  • A study found that a CEO’s level of narcissism is linked to greater narcissism within the company’s top management team. The researchers also discovered a small, but statistically significant link between top management team narcissism and executive turnover. Turnover among leadership can be disruptive for companies. Overall, there can be both benefits and consequences to having lots of narcissistic personalities in the C-suite. Competition between executives can boost performance and innovation, but also create conflict and lead to risky decision-making.


November 2023


October 2023

  • CEO pay has soared 1,209.2% since 1978 compared with a 15.3% rise in typical workers’ pay in the US.


July 2023


December 2022


July 2022


June 2022


November 2021


September 2021


April 2021



March 2021


November 2020

  • Occupying a leadership position is not the same thing as leading, warned Harvard Business Review, adding that, to lead, you must be able to connect, motivate, and inspire a sense of ownership of shared objectives. Heightening your capacity to lead others requires being able to see how you think and act, and how your behavior affects others. Leading well requires a continuous journey of personal development. Yet people in leadership roles often eschew the long and challenging work of deepening self-insight in favor of chasing after management “tools”— preferably the “quick ’n’ easy” kind, such as personality type assessments that reduce employees to a few simplistic behavioral tendencies


August 2020

  • EY noted that, for chief operating officers, business is no longer usual. Chief marketing officers saw consumer habits flip, virtually overnight. Chief revenue officers are trying to mitigate risk and build trust in a highly volatile environment. Chief executive officers are juggling business survival with employee safety, and unremitting pressure from investors and other stakeholders. And most are doing it in front of laptops, using video conferencing. The COVID-19 pandemic upended the world in ways big and small, from back offices to boardrooms, across industries and geographies.


May 2020


March 2020

  • The US Project Management Institute reported by 2020 90% of project teams now included one or, often, more workers who operate from different locations than their supervisors and teammates. Nearly 80% of managers now supervise a worker or workers at remote locations. Many leaders face isolation because their team members are far away. These “long-distance leaders” need to use a variety of tools specifically designed to address distance leadership issues and concerns. The Long-Distance Leader argues in response that remote leadership’s fundamental rule is that leadership always matters more than location. The principles of leadership don’t change, but the leadership techniques will differ. Long-distance leaders and remote workers must routinely seek objective feedback.


December 2018


November 2018


Pre 2018




May 2016







  • Boards often think the person in the corner office doesn’t need more development, but this couldn’t be further than the truth, claimed INSEAD. To prevent CEOs from flaming out in the top job, they should build frameworks to help them learn. Companies spend a fortune developing high potential executives. The global executive education market is valued at $70 billion a year, but CEOs don’t get much of a look in. Investing in CEO development is typically considered a low priority for boards who think that by the time someone has reached the pinnacle of the organisation, he or she ought to be the finished article. Accountability for development falls to HR and they spend their resources investing in rising executives, not established ones.




April 2016






March 2016








February 2016



  • The leadership challenge for 2016 will continue to be the pace of global change and the rate at which technology changes, argued Forbes. The two are a cruelly matched pair that will forever challenge any leader’s judgement and decision-making, as both significantly impact a company’s scalability, the timeframe to scale and the value it delivers along the spectrum of its growth. The secret to overcoming challenges is to anticipate them to the point that their inherent complexity is minimised. This means getting ahead of the power curve rather than looking at it from the low ground—something too many organisational leaders delay until it’s too late.






January 2016



  • PwC's annual global CEO survey this year saw the highest UK participation in a decade. Over 100 UK CEOs have shared their views with us on the key challenges facing them and their businesses in 2016. One continuing theme for us and the CEOs we spoke to is how to build trust in business. Here Dr Nigel Wilson, CEO of Legal & General, shares his thoughts on how this can be achieved. Finally, read our latest blog on what CEOs tell us are the top eight contributions business makes to society, that they believe are currently under recognised – namely employment, prosperity, innovation, education and training, environmental protection, security and wellbeing, critical infrastructure, and charitable giving.


December 2015







November 2015







  • Sometimes the key to turning a business around lies in changing the actions of those who work in it. Management consultants have been using behavioural and organisational psychologists to help analyse leadership and workplace behaviour for decades. Now, however, they are turning to a new breed of expert on human behaviour - the neuroscientist. Deloitte has just launched a leadership consulting practice which will use the expertise of Kaisen Consulting, a boutique firm of business psychologists that Deloitte acquired in September. Deloitte's Leadership Consulting head said that while the company draws on psychology for many insights, findings emerging from neuroscience add valuable knowledge and scientific rigour.






October 2015





  • In Bridging the Disconnect between Leadership Theory and Practice, strategy+business reported on a Stanford business school professor who lambasts the leadership development industry - including business schools, human resource departments, authors, and leadership programmes and coaches - for being clueless about the harsh political realities of the workplace, and for promoting behaviours that are aspirational rather than practical.








September 2015





  • Deloitte announced the launch of a new leadership consulting practice. The practice will recruit 700 people across Deloitte’s network of member firms by 2020. The launch coincides with Deloitte UK’s acquisition of the business and assets of Kaisen Consulting Limited, UK a boutique leadership consultancy of business psychologists. Kaisen employs over 60 people, including 30 occupational psychologists based in the UK and US. It has 25 years’ experience working with senior leaders in more than 40 countries. Combining Deloitte’s current leadership consulting research and experience with Kaisen’s market leading assessment methodology, IP, and tools, the new practice will target the global leadership services market, estimated to be worth over $40bn a year.





August 2015






July 2015












June 2015








May 2015








April 2015







March 2015






February 2015






January 2015



  • According to INSEAD, the average tenure of a Fortune 500 CEO is about 4.6 years (compared with all CEOs at 8.6). Secondly, a study by Luo, Kanuri & Andrews suggests that long tenure can actually hurt a company’s performance.  After the initial rush of enthusiasm and energy, established routines and networks can take over the drive for innovation.  It concurs with previous studies on the importance of CEO succession and how new CEOs are more open, inclusive and search for new solutions According to Professor Luo and his team, the optimal tenure for a CEO is 4.8 years.  A look at the more successful CEOs, and one can see that they quit while they are ahead.


December 2014





November 2014






  • Hay Group's Best Companies for Leadership 2014 asked: what makes a great leader, in an ever-more globalised, unpredictable world? Over 17,000 people from more than 2,100 organisations worldwide responded to the survey, and they confirmed there’ll be a definite shift in what the best companies need from their leaders in the next 10-15 years. The best in class say they’ll need leaders with much stronger customer focus, global expertise, a huge capacity to manage complexity, the ability to drive innovation, and a truly collaborative approach – while remaining agile and  poised to maximise opportunities. Currently, the emphasis is more on day-to-day performance - executing strategy, making decisions, and  teamwork.



October 2014



  • An HBR article argued that a leadership institute should reflect a company’s leadership ideals. Establishing a corporate university is a big deal. It is a statement you are making to employees about the company’s willingness to invest in talent. It is an expression of a company’s ideal for leadership excellence. So being clear about what the corporate university stands for is an essential starting point.




August 2014





July 2014


  • Harvard Business Review compiled a dataset in which they asked 332,860 bosses, peers, and subordinates what skills have the greatest impact on a leader’s success. The skills people reported needing depended not only on their level in the organisation but also on the job they held and their particular circumstances. But even so, there was a remarkable consistency in the data about which skills were perceived as most important in all four levels of the organisation measured.  The same competencies - e.g. inspiring others, displaying integrity, solving problems - were selected as most important for the supervisors, middle managers, and senior managers alike, and six out of the seven topped the list for top executives. Executives at every organizational level, our respondents reported, need a balance of these competencies. The other nine competencies included in the study were chosen only half as frequently as the top seven.



