Quote 924
Sharing time with people who happen to share our genes isn?t the best way to spend your time ? Ged Smith, therapist #Christmas #r4today 23/12/10
Sharing time with people who happen to share our genes isn?t the best way to spend your time ? Ged Smith, therapist #Christmas #r4today 23/12/10
If you're constantly in front of a computer screen, you're the passive recipient of lots of information. You're just a consumer, living at that moment, having an experience, pressing buttons and reacting, but not having a life narrative any more. You're not defined by your family, or by what you know, or by specific events in the real world, because most of your time is spent in cyberspace. So what are you? Could it be that we just become nodes on a much larger collective thought machine? - Susan Greenfield http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/feature/story/0,13026,1409019,00.html
Far from being the basis of the good society, the family, with its narrow privacy and tawdry secrets, is the source of all our discontents - Edmund Leach.
Every time someone slips a bead from one finger to the next, it?s rarely to pray for humanity. It?s to pray for themselves, or their family - Albert Schweitzer
After adopting a Rwandan 15 year old "I don't like nuclear families. I think it's very good to look beyond your tribe" - Emma Thompson, Time, 23/01/06