Quote 2465
An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself - Charles Dickens
An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself - Charles Dickens
What are the most important advanced new ideas? There are many bright people doing research in fields you?ve never heard of, having brilliant thoughts. How can you understand the world if you don?t know this? - Theodore Zeldin, http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/43a2ca6a-d392-11dc-b861-0000779fd2ac.html
Trying to protect or copyright your own management ideas is a last-century nonsense: absurd and illogical. Even if you could do it in a web-based world, why bother? The only ideas really worth having are those which make the world a better place, and such ideas only reach their potency when widely released to influence and shape our future. Real genius is not just having an idea, but knowing how to apply it to a person, a group, an organisation or an audience - Patrick Dixon
To the realist peace is the stable arrangement of power; to the idealist, a goal so preeminent that it conceals the difficulty of finding the means of its achievement - Henry Kissinger
To dig below the surface of everyday understanding, expose the roots of inspired thinking and stimulate intelligent debate for those who aspire to form opinions as opposed to accepting received dogma - mission statement of Prospect magazine http://prospect.typepad.com/prospect
There is no way to create wealth without ideas. Most new ideas are created by newcomers. So anyone who thinks the world is safe for incumbents is dead wrong - Gary Hamel
There is an infinity of good ideas and actions available in us humans. Our good doing can be concentrated on the self, on the family, the neighbourhood, the city, the province, the nations, but it can also be a whole continent, the whole humanity, the whole planet Earth. All of this is vastly open to us. I myself was led to love and work for the whole humanity and our whole wonderful Earth in the United Nations and I was recompensed with the most astonishing, unpredictable, happy life - Robert Muller
There are only two kinds of scholars; those who love ideas and those who hate them - Emile Chartier
Theory that does not someway affect life has no value - Lewis Terman, Genius and Stupidity, 1906
The world has too many doers, managers, operators and actors and not enough idealists, dreamers, playwrights, inspirers and prophets. The world has too many specialists and not enough generalists, universalists, holisticists - Robert Muller