"Sauin" is the name in Manx Gaelic of the festival marking the start of the year's dark half, celebrated from dusk on 31 October to dusk on 1 November. In Gaelic & Irish, "Samhain" is a liminal time, marked by fire, and the crossing of thresholds.
A beautiful seasonal quote from the inspiring Damh the Bard.
"It’s nearly here...the major Sabbat of Samhain will arrive, bringing with it dark evenings and opening the door to the cold of Winter. Lanterns will be lit and placed in windows. Faerie Bells will ring and doors and windows will be opened to allow the spirits of those departed back inside, to share a meal, so we may remember them. Photographs of loved ones will be placed on altars next to the slowly drifting smoke of incense, tears will be shed, and smiles will be shared. Candle flame will be caught in the reflecting water of the cauldron, and Journeys will be taken. Magic will be cast, and the names of those gone before across the bridge into the Otherworld, and the many more lives that lay beyond, will be spoken into the wind, letting them know that they are never forgotten."
While I've always strongly preferred the opposite axis of the wheel of the year, and always look forward to Beltane with eager anticipation, in recent years the consolations of Autumn have grown on me considerably, particularly when the sun and the leaves shine as much as they have done this year.
Samhain 2018 I spent in some of the most numinous and personally meaningful of places: Avebury, Silbury and West Kennet.
Rowena Wilson wrote a melodic, evocative composition to remind us of the traditions of Samhain; the in-between times, the Earth and our ancestors. Using vocals, tenor recorders and guitar/keyboard, it was first aired by the Resurgence Trust to accompany their 2024 Samhain Earth Festival.
See also:
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